Comprehensive Eye Care Solutions

At Medicare, we embrace a holistic approach to eye health, providing everything from routine eye exams to advanced surgical interventions. Our expert team employs the latest technologies to ensure you receive the best possible care.

Eye Treatments & Surgery

Medicare offers an all-inclusive approach to eye care, ranging from routine eye check-ups to essential surgical operations. provided by our highly qualified medical specialists and technicians using state-of-the-art equipment
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Cataract Services

Regain your clear vision with our cutting-edge cataract treatments. Discover how our innovative procedures can restore your sight.
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LASIK & Refractive services

Transform your vision with our LASIK and refractive services—a high-precision alternative to glasses and contact lenses.

Pediatric eye care

We're dedicated to safeguarding the vision of our younger patients by providing comprehensive and compassionate eye care tailored to children.

Cornea Services

Experience relief and improved sight with our superior cornea services, guided by leading ophthalmologists.
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Surgical Vitreo Retinal Services

Receive specialised care for retinal, macula, and vitreous fluid disorders from our experienced ophthalmologists.
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Glaucoma services

Prevent the risk of blindness through early detection and treatment of glaucoma at our advanced facility.

Orbit and Oculoplasty Services

Get specialised treatment for conditions affecting the orbit, eyelids, and brow area from our skilled specialists.


Begin with a detailed eye examination and end with the perfect pair of spectacles under one roof.